During his visit to China, Vladimir Putin discusses Ukraine with Viktor Orbán, referring to it as the „New Silk Road.“

China hat am ersten Tag des internationalen Forums zum Investitionsprojekt „Neue Seidenstraße“ zahlreiche Staatsgäste empfangen. Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin landete an diesem Dienstag zu einem seiner seltenen Auslandsbesuche in Peking und soll am Mittwoch Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping treffen. Dem Vernehmen nach soll auch der Konflikt im Nahen Osten sowie der Angriff der Hamas-Terroristen auf Israel ein Thema sein. Am Rande des Treffens kam es auch zu einem längeren Gespräch zwischen Putin und Ungarns Regierungschef Viktor Orbán.

ChinaChina is an important ally of Russia and has supported the country in its war against Ukraine by maintaining a neutral stance. China was able to disregard the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court against Putin because it never ratified the Rome Statute of the Court.

Conversation between Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán

Ukraine.UkraineRussian President spoke of „satisfaction“ that there are still European countries maintaining contact with Russia. Hungary’s Prime Minister, who also visited Putin in Moscow before the start of the war last year in February, spoke of a „difficult“ meeting according to Russian translation. His country is trying to salvage bilateral contacts with Russia as much as possible. The relatively Russia-friendly course of the right-wing nationalist politician Orbán is repeatedly criticized in the EU.

Russische Staatsmedien zeigten auch Aufnahmen des ungarischen Außenministers Peter Szijjarto bei einer Umarmung mit Alexej Miller, dem Chef des russischen Energiekonzerns Gazprom. Die meisten russischen und ungarischen Delegationsmitglieder begrüßten sich in Peking dagegen mit

4.000 Delegierte aus 140 Ländern erwartet

Orbán sprach mit Xi über die Zukunft Ungarns„Ich kann es nicht umformulieren“

Hungary is one of the few EU countries that is a member of the initiative. Germany is not part of the project launched by Xi in 2013. According to reports, Italy is considering leaving the initiative. It includes projects on land that belong to the „New Silk Road“ and projects at sea that belong to the „Maritime Silk Road“. The name „New Silk Road“ is derived from the world-famous Silk Road – an ancient trade route that extended to Europe.

China is investing in transportation routes in Africa, Asia, and South America. They are building railways and roads, as well as acquiring ports such as the one in Piraeus, Greece. According to the state news agency Xinhua, China has agreed to over 200 Silk Road collaborations with more than 150 countries by 2023. Official reports state that China has invested nearly one trillion US dollars (approximately 950 billion euros) globally in projects over the past decade.

More than 4,000 delegates from over 140 countries and more than 30 international organizations were expected to attend the summit meeting. The forum will focus on connectivity, green development, and digital economy. For Beijing, the „New Silk Road“ represents a shift in foreign policy.

Spekulationen um Schwierigkeiten für „Neue Seidenstraße“

China usually sends its own companies for construction projects and acts as a lender. Therefore, there is criticism that financially weak countries are becoming heavily dependent on the „New Silk Road“ because they end up having debts with China. One example is the South Asian island nation of Sri Lanka, which owes China more than 20 billion euros and has become unable to make payments due to an economic crisis.

Western observers also suspect that Xi’s project is facing difficulties because the country’s economy, with around 1.4 billion inhabitants, is weakening and China has less money to lend. Additionally, the government needs to recover the money from outstanding loans to other countries.