Anwaltskanzlei reicht Klage gegen Rudy Giuliani ein, da er unbezahlte Rechnungen hat.

Rudy Giuliani, der frühere New Yorker Bürgermeister und
langjährige Verbündete des früheren US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, ist von einem
Anwalt wegen nicht bezahlter Honorare verklagt worden. Robert Costello und
seine Kanzlei Davidoff Hutcher & Citron LLP gaben vor einem Bundesgericht
im New Yorker Bezirk Manhattan an, Giuliani schulde ihnen 1,36 Millionen
US-Dollar. Die Honorare beliefen sich insgesamt auf fast 1,6 Millionen Dollar,
von denen Giuliani bisher nur 214.000 Dollar bezahlt habe.

Giuliani denied owing money to the law firm. „I cannot express how deeply hurt I am by what Bob Costello has done,“ he stated through a spokesperson. „It is truly a shame when lawyers engage in such behavior, and all I want to say is that their bill far exceeds anything remotely legitimate.“

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Giuliani was once celebrated as „America’s Mayor“. However, due to his collaboration with Trump and the resulting legal disputes, he is now facing legal fees, fines, sanctions, and compensation claims. In August, he was charged alongside Trump and 17 other individuals in a court in Georgia for election conspiracy related to the 2020 US presidential election.

Trump veranstaltete Spendendinner

In order to pay his bills, Giuliani has sold signed 9/11 shirts and joined Cameo, a service where celebrities record short videos for a fee. In July, he also offered his apartment for rent.Manhattan für 6,5 Millionen Dollar zum Verkauf an.

In the case of legal fees, Giuliani also received direct assistance from Trump. In early September, Trump hosted a fundraising dinner for his former lawyer at his Bedminster golf club. Giuliani’s son Andrew stated in a radio interview that Trump’s financial support would be „very helpful“ but „not enough to get through this.“ According to the lawsuit, the last payment of $10,000 was made to the law firm a week later.