Verbundgruppen: Sport Conrad wird Sport 2000-Partner

Sport Conrad is one of the pioneers in terms of sustainability in the sports trade. The sustainability initiative „We rethink“ was already launched in 2018.

A significant change: The previous Intersport member, Sport Conrad from Garmisch-Partenkirchen, is joining the Intersport competitor, Sport 2000, based in Mainhausen.

„It is an honor for us to welcome Sport Conrad, one of the best and most reputable sports retailers in Germany, to our community,“ says Margit Gosau, CEO of Sport 2000. „Their decision highlights the strengths of Sport 2000, particularly in offering tailored services for each retailer group in specialist units. True to the motto ‚Home of Experts,‘ together we will ensure that our members benefit from optimized support and a wide range of suppliers.“

There are frequent changes between Heilbronn and Mainhausen, and vice versa. In 2020, the team sports specialist 11teamsports switched from Sport 2000 to Intersport, and a year later, Intersport retailers took over six locations of the former Sport 2000 member Sport Sperk. Then, in 2022, the large ski, bike, and outdoor retailer Sport Bittl returned to Sport 2000.

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