Ukraine: Government has allocated more than UAH 126 million to compensate utility costs to communities that sheltered temporarily relocated individuals – Minister Chernyshov


The government has allocated over UAH 126.2 million from the reserve fund of the State Budget to compensate utility costs for April to communities that sheltered relocated individuals without compensation in communal and state institutions as well as in private educational institutions. The corresponding order was adopted by the government during the meeting on July 26.


This was announced by the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.


„The government continues to systematically support communities that have provided shelter to those who were forced to flee the war. We are talking about compensation for consumed utilities in schools, kindergartens, houses of culture, which were turned into temporary housing for internally displaced people. In April, there were about 6.4 thousand such institutions across the country,“ said Oleksiy Chernyshov.


The draft decree was developed on the basis of information summarized by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, received from the regional military administrations and six profile ministries. In April, 6,398 institutions were used to accommodate temporarily displaced persons, of which more than 3,400 were educational institutions.


Compensation from the state is used to cover the cost of water, light, gas, garbage removal, and the purchase of firewood, pellets, and coal.