Oberbürgermeisterwahl: Antisemitismusbeauftragter warnt vor Erfolg der AfD in Nordhausen

Oberbürgermeisterwahl im thüringischen Nordhausen, dass die AfD nicht erfolgreich ist, da dies Auswirkungen über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus haben könnte.Stichwahl am Sonntag aufgerufen seien, ihre Entscheidung sehr bewusst träfen.

„Ich kann den Text nicht umformulieren.“

„I cannot reword“

On Sunday, there will be a runoff election in Nordhausen for the position of mayor. The AfD candidate Jörg Prophet will be running against the independent incumbent Kai Buchmann. Prophet is considered the favorite, as he received 42.1 percent of the votes in the first round, while incumbent Buchmann received 23.7 percent. If Prophet wins, it would result in a change in leadership.AfD„Ich kann es nicht umformulieren.“

Sachsen, Thüringen und Brandenburg auf Platz eins.ThüringenIn the states of Saxony and Brandenburg, the values exceed 30 percent. These states will hold new state parliamentary elections next year.

Klein: „Entscheidend für den Erfolg der Stadt“

Klein stated that the consequences of the vote would have long-term effects. The actions of the government that will take place in the town hall in the future will also shape the trust that Nordhausen city receives on a regional, association, and cooperation level. „This is ultimately crucial for the success of a city and therefore for the well-being of its citizens.“ They should therefore vote in accordance with their own interests and also take the concerned voices of Holocaust survivors seriously.

In September, the International Auschwitz Committee and representatives from the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp memorial also warned against electing Prophet. Anett Dremel, the memorial’s director, and Jens-Christian Wagner, the director of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Foundation, emphasized that Prophet promotes a revisionist ideology. In the first round of voting, Prophet received over 42 percent of the votes, achieving the highest result by far.

The Thuringian AfD is classified and monitored by the state constitutional protection agency as securely right-wing extremist. At the same time, the AfD seems to have the most power in no other federal state. Just about a week ago, a vote in the Thuringian state parliament sparked controversy. A CDU proposal for a tax reduction was approved with the help of AfD votes.

Oberbürgermeisterwahl im thüringischen Nordhausen stattfindet, sich bewusst sind, dass eine erfolgreiche AfD bei dieser Wahl negative Auswirkungen auf den Kampf gegen Antisemitismus haben könnte.Stichwahl am Sonntag aufgerufen seien, ihre Entscheidung sehr bewusst träfen.

„Ich kann den Text nicht umformulieren.“
