Migrationspolitik – Das Dorf des Willkommens

Montag: 06.11.2023 um 19:00

Since the late 1990s, the mountain village of Riace has been accepting refugees in a spirit of solidarity. Instead of viewing the refugees as a burden, the residents decided to take a different approach. However, this decision was met with opposition. In a first trial in 2021, the former mayor Domenico (Mimmo) Lucano and 17 fellow activists were sentenced to lengthy prison terms and high fines.

On October 11, 2023, the final verdict was announced: The severe penalties from the first trial were overturned! While a complete acquittal would have been more gratifying, this ruling can still be seen as a victory for solidarity and humanity.

Elisabeth Voß hat das Willkommensdorf Riace besucht und sich mit den Anforderungen, Hoffnungen und Rückschlägen beschäftigt, die ein solches Projekt mit sich bringt. Die Lesung wird einen lebendigen und solidarischen Blick nach Kalabrien werfen, auch über das Dorf Riace hinaus.

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