Frasers Group has further increased its stake in Boohoo, making it the largest individual shareholder in the company.

What are the intentions of the Frasers Group with regards to their Boohoo shares? Boohoo reported a 17% decrease in revenue to £729.1 million for the first half of the fiscal year (as of August 31). A revenue decline of 12 to 17% was forecasted for the entire fiscal year.

The British retail conglomerate Frasers Group has increased its stake in the fast fashion online retailer Boohoo Group from 13.4% to 15.1%. This was announced by Frasers Group in a stock market notification on Monday morning.

gegründet wurde, angekündigt, dass er das Unternehmen Debenhams übernehmen möchte. Nun hat der Konzern sein Angebot zurückgezogen. Es ist unklar, warum der Konzern seine Meinung so schnell geändert hat.

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